There are many homeowners who have roofing systems compromised by undetected moisture issues. You might get a false sense of security if your roofing materials are under warranty and seem to be performing well. A roof moisture survey is a valuable process to detect moisture issues in a roofing system. The following points identify the benefits of getting a roof moisture survey.
Peace of Mind About Warranties
If there are issues with workmanship or roofing materials that are still under warranty, get the roof moisture survey performed before either expires. The report will contain viable information that could save you thousands of dollars in repairs. Some moisture issues are hidden and can remain that way for a long time. Infrared electrical scans can detect moisture even if an issue has not caused enough damage to be evident. Delayed detection could result in your roofing installation warranties expiring. You would likely be responsible for all repair costs if this happens.
Identify Best Solution for Roof Damage
The roof survey will detail areas that have been compromised by moisture and at-risk areas. This is beneficial because it will allow for the best solution for the issue to be discovered. Partial replacement or repairs could remedy some moisture-damaged roofs. It would also be imperative to determine the cause of the failing portions of the roofing system. Sometimes moisture damage is widespread and a replacement could be best even if the roofing materials have not reached the end of their lifespan.
Savings Potential
There are a few savings that you can expect to come from a roof moisture survey if a moisture issue or leak exists. You can save on repair or replacement costs that you might be required to pay out-of-pocket without the survey results. There are also potential savings that can come from identifying moisture problems in a timely manner and repairing them before other damage — such as interior water damage and property damage — occurs.
Beneficial for Claims Processing and Legal Evidence
Sometimes homeowners encounter issues with filing claims with their roofer, insurance companies, or with the manufacturer of their roofing materials. When there are disagreements, the matter might have to be resolved in court. The survey and its results are legal evidence that can be used to your advantage. The infrared detection technology is advanced and highly accurate. The process is non-invasive, which means that there is no risk of the contractors performing the survey causing damage to the roof. Getting the survey performed can be seen as a favorable proactive measure from a litigation point of view.
An electrician is a good resource to use to understand more about roof moisture surveys and using infrared electrical scans to detect moisture and leaks elsewhere on your property.
Share22 December 2021
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